Changelog ========= 19.10.0 ------- * use both ``token`` and ``client-certificate`` from Kubeconfig if defined (to support Azure Kubernetes) 19.9.2 ------ * add ``dry_run`` option to ``HTTPClient`` to only make `dry run requests `_ 19.9.1 ------ * support "oidc" auth type in KubeConfig (basic support with existing "id-token") 19.9.0 ------ * changed to `Calendar Versioning `_ * add convenience function ``KubeConfig.from_env()`` to load KubeConfig from in-cluster ServiceAccount or local KUBECONFIG 0.30 ---- * allow passing a custom ``Authorization header`` with ``HTTPClient.get(..., headers=..)`` without getting overwritten 0.28 ---- * support tabular representation like what kubectl uses (``Query.as_table()`` method) 0.27 ---- * allow passing arbitrary parameters to the ``watch`` query 0.26 ---- * remember streaming response * exclude "tests" from packaging 0.25 ---- * add CustomResourceDefinition to top-level imports (allowing from pykube import CustomResourceDefinition) 0.24 ---- * add ``CustomResourceDefinition`` class * add ``patch`` method to APIObject class * improve user-friendliness of ``object_factory`` 0.23 ---- * remove debug print statement 0.22 ---- * fix GCP support 0.21 ---- * add optional ``propagation_policy`` parameter to APIObject.delete(), see 0.20 ---- * Fix handling of annotations and labels if the object had none set before 0.19 ---- * Added interactive console (invoke with ``python3 -m pykube``) 0.18 ---- * Added ``PodDisruptionBudget`` * Added HTTP timeout (default: 10 seconds) 0.17 ---- * New release as ``pykube-ng`` * Removed Python 2.7 compatibility * Removed HTTPie plugin * Added some tests